Friday, April 4, 2014

Fueled by Faith Friday

The impossible has happened!  The bonus room is nearly packed up....after tirelessly working on this chore since Sunday morning by Friday night, all of the items have been donated, tossed out with the trash, or categorized into three boxed piles:  going into storage, going into my office (I still can't wrap my brain around the fact that I will have my own designated space!) at my new job, or going with me to wherever it is I'm going.

Once I get through my filing cabinets, I can officially say that I'm ready to put the bonus room items on a moving truck and head on out....after I get through the guest bedroom as well.  However, the only question is where in the world did the time go?!  All of a sudden, the last four years seem to have gone by incredibly fast! 

As I packed this past week, I unearthed some cherished cards from just under a year ago.

From a Susan Polis Schultz Blue Mountain Arts card my parents gave me in May 2013.  Mom had written, "It's all going to come together soon!  Believe....believe....believe!  Keep reading the verses of this card.  It was made for you."  :)

Daughter, may all your dreams come true.
Lean against a tree and dream your world of dreams.
Work hard at what you like to do and try to overcome obstacles.
Laugh at your mistakes and praise yourself for learning from them.
Pick some flowers and appreciate the beauty of nature.
Say hello to strangers and enjoy the people you know.
Don't be afraid to show your emotions; laughing and crying make you feel better.
Love your friends and family with your entire being.
They are the most important part of your life.
Feel the calmness on a quiet sunny day and plan what you want to accomplish in life.
Find a rainbow and live your world of dreams.

I love love love the rainbow reference at the end of the poem especially in light of my rainbow analogy I used during my dissertation defense!  How ironic!!

"Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see." ~ William Newton Clarke

"Life is a mixture of sunshine and rain, laughter and teardrops, pleasure and pain, low tides and high tides, mountains and plains, triumphs, defeats and losses and gains...But always in all ways God's guiding and leading, and He alone knows the things we're most needing...and when He sends sorrow or some sad affliction, be assured that it comes with God's kind benediction and if we accept it as a gift of His love, we'll be showered with blessings from our Father above." ~ Helen Steiner Rice

The above quote and poem were enclosed in a sweet card written by my Aunt Marie in May 2013.  Further, she had said, "The enclosed poem seemed so appropriate at this time-just as a reminder that God knows what is best even when we thought we had it all figured out.  Remember that it's the tough times that make us stronger!"  Reading these words and recalling the events of last May, I'm reminded of the desperation and hopelessness I felt as my dissertation study was stalled and I could not move forward at that time. 

It's incredible to think of all that has happened since then, both professionally and personally, and to see that all along, I was on the path even when it felt as if I had taken a wretched detour and was terribly lost in the woods.  Today, a year later, as I look toward the unknown future, I can't help but wonder what lies ahead and how circumstances I currently face will look in hindsight.  I do know one thing though; with the support of wonderful family members, I will always have a helping hand and with a little luck, I hope I can do the same for them.

Happy Day # 12:  My cleared off table enabled me to see all the quotes, pictures, and keepsakes I had placed under the glass table top over the last four years which brought me several moments of happiness today.  Further, decluttering as I pack up the bonus room has helped to declutter my mind and try to slow the racing thoughts as well. 

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